2010年12月5日 星期日


頭蓋骨skull 三角肌deltoid

臉face 股直肌straight muscle of thigh

額頭forehead 胸大肌greater pectoral

耳朵ear 額肌frontal

乳頭nipple 二頭肌biceps of arm

乳房breast 三頭肌triceps of arm

肚臍navel 蹠肌plantar

恥骨pubis 大腿骨femur

陰莖penis 尾骨coccyx

膝蓋knee 膝蓋骨(骨賓骨)patella

足foot 鎖骨clavicle

腳指toe 尺骨ulna

喉結adam's apple 肋骨ribs

肩shoulder 脊柱vertebral column

腋窩armpit 坐骨ischium

胸chest 踵骨calcaneus

胸廓thorax 頂骨parietal bone

腹abdomen 肩胛骨scapula

陰囊scrotum 尿道urethra

腳leg 包皮prepuce

踵heel 睪丸testicle

髖hip 膀胱urinary bladder

尾椎loin 腹腔abdominal cavity

背back 前列腺prostate

頸neck 肛門anus

前臂forearm 直腸rectum

手hand 輸精管ducts deferens

腰waist 陰莖海綿體cavernous body

手腕wrist 外陰部vulva

鼻nose 輸卵管fallopian tubes

臉頰cheek 子宮uterus

陰門vulva 卵巢ovary

腳踝ankle 大陰唇labium majora

鼠蹊部groin 小陰唇labium minus

大腿thigh 陰蒂clitoris

臀部buttuck 陰阜mons pubis

乳暈areola 乳管lactiferous duct

門牙incisors 側門牙lateral incisor

大臼齒molars 小臼齒premolars

牙齦gum 齒冠crown

象牙質dentin 齒髓pulp

琺瑯質enamel 齒根root

會厭epiglottis 舌扁桃lingual tonsil

舌正中溝median lingual sulcus 舌尖apex

舌tongue 扁桃tonsil

喉頭larynx 食道esophagus

人中philtrum 鼻孔naris

鼻翼ala 鼻樑dorsum of nose

鼻中隔septum 鼻根bridge of nose,root of nose

鼻骨nasal bone 睫毛eyelash

淚管lacrimal duct 虹膜iris

下眼瞼lower eyelid 瞳孔pupil

鞏膜sclera 眉毛eyebrow

視網膜retina 水晶體lens

角膜cornea 視神經盤optic disk

結膜conjunctiva 外耳external ear

中耳middle ear 耳介auricle

內耳internal ear 鐙骨stapes

鑽骨incus 鎚骨malleus

聽小骨auditory ossicles 半規管semicircular canal

耳蝸cohlea 鼓膜ear drum

耳垂lobule 耳屏tragus

耳輪角crus odhelix 顏面神經facial nerve

大拇指thumb 手指甲finger nail

甲弧影lunula 食指index finger

中指middle finger 小指little finger

無名指third finger 皮膚表面skin surface

表皮epidermis 真皮dermis

手掌palm 皮下組織subcutaneous tissue

結締組織connective tissue 毛髮hair

汗孔pore 觸覺小體Meissner's corpuscle

汗腺sudoriferous duct 脂肪組織adipose tissue

血管blood vessel 角質層stratum Cornela

脊髓spinal cord 運動神經元motor neuron

第一神經元protoneuron 腦下垂體pituitary gland

大腦cerebrum 小腦cerebellum

腦神經cranial nerves 閉鎖神經obturator nerve

坐股神經sciatic nerve 脛神經tibial never

指神經digital never 腎臟kidney

腎上腺suprarenal gland 腎門renal hills

腎乳頭renal papilla 腎盂renal pelvis

腎動脈renal artery 輸尿管ureter

肝臟liver 十二指腸duodenum

空腸jejunum 迴腸ileum

盲腸cecum 闌尾vermiform

大腸large intestine 結腸colon

膽囊gallbladder 咽pharynx

唾液腺salivary gland 氣管trachea

肺lung 橫隔膜diaphragm

心臟heart 支氣管bronchus

淋巴lymph 淋巴結lymph node

臀大肌greater glutenous 淋巴腺lymph gland

枕肌occipital 鬍鬚beard

山羊鬍goatee 八字鬚,髭moustache

腮鬚whiskers 鬢角sideburns


